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Monday, November 9, 2009

Registry Tweak after new Install of Windows XP

I always do a registry tweak after I install a new operating system of Windows XP... this tweak I always do because make some different in PC performance... but it only a few because it's use for daily use only not for expert user want to customize the PC...

Ok let's start :
  1. Run regedit from Start Menu
  2. Find HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop and see AutoEndTasks -- set it to 1 (default from Windows is 0), after that MenuShowDelay -- set it to 50 until 100 (default from Windows is 400) and the last is WaitToKillAppTimeout -- set it to 5000 (default from Windows is 20000)
  3. Find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control and see the for WaitToKillServiceTimeout -- set it to 5000 (default from Windows is 20000)
Yups that all for the begin the installation...



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